Misija i vizija Naš tim Projekti Ovlaštenja
Krajobrazna arhitektura Stručni poslovi zaštite okoliša Bioraznolikost - georaznolikost - krajobrazna raznolikost Održivo gospodarenje otpadom i sanacija okoliša Prilagodba klimatskim promjenama Zeleni certifikati i edukacija

Landscape architecture

Producing conceptual and project designs and for public green areas, public parks, playgounds, promenades, educational trails, mansions, tourist facilities etc.

The basic principles and goals of landscaping projects are:

  • Desining resilient and sustainable landscapes
  • Contributing to visual and ecological quality of the site
  • Creating or retaining space identity
  • Stvaranje ili zadržavanje identiteta prostora
  • Preserve and improve the quality of the green infrastructure of the settlement
  • Creating landscapes that are diverse, functional, sustainable, aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable for life
