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DGNB Standard for Green and Sustainable Building

The DGNB certificate is one of the most recognized standards for green and sustainable building in the world. It was developed in Germany at the initiative of the non-profit organization Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen – DGNB and is based on the principles of ecological, economic, and social sustainability, as well as high functionality and comfort. The DGNB assessment system evaluates the sustainability of a building throughout its life cycle, from design and construction, through use, to repurposing and final demolition.

We have also recognized the benefits of the DGNB certificate for sustainable construction, and we hereby inform you that our Tanja and Domagoj have successfully passed the exam and become licensed DGNB consultants. Our company has expanded the scope of its services to include consulting on green building through the DGNB certification system.

The services we offer in the domain of meeting DGNB criteria are as follows:

  • Analysis of drinking water consumption and wastewater volumes, recycling of wastewater, and use of local resources (ENV2.2)
  • Analysis of soil quality due to land use (ENV2.3)
  • Analysis of biodiversity conservation on the site (ENV2.4)
  • Analysis of climate risk assessment at the location (SITE1.1)
  • Analysis of the quality of indoor and outdoor spaces (SOC1.6)

We invite all interested clients who need professional support and guidance during the process of obtaining a DGNB certificate to contact us, so that together we can contribute to sustainable construction and environmental protection.