Misija i vizija Naš tim Projekti Ovlaštenja
Krajobrazna arhitektura Stručni poslovi zaštite okoliša Bioraznolikost - georaznolikost - krajobrazna raznolikost Održivo gospodarenje otpadom i sanacija okoliša Prilagodba klimatskim promjenama Zeleni certifikati i edukacija

Adaptation to climate change

Climate change risk assessment activities include the following:

  • Analysis of project compliance with the European and national legislative framework for climate change and strategic documents (EU Strategy 2020, EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, National Environmental Strategy ...).
  • Interpretation of existing scenarios of climate change and their intensity
  • Climate risk analysis for the project and project resistance to climate risks and changes, according to the methodology described in the European Commission Guidelines (Non-paper Guidelines for Project Managers: Making vulnerable investment climate resilient).
  • Proposed adjustment measures to climate change.
